The European Commission began a consultation on the role of the European Union in patient safety and quality of care. The consultation would end on 28 February 2014.
Source: Patient Safety and Quality of Healthcare: Actions at EU level – background paper for a public consultation, European Commission
Links: Consultation document | Outline
Date: 2013-Dec
An article examined the adoption and success of payment schemes that promoted integration of chronic care in selected European countries. All payment reforms appeared to have changed the structure of chronic care delivery. 'Pay for co-ordination' – in Austria, France, and Germany – was perceived to be the most successful in increasing collaboration within and across healthcare sectors. 'Pay for performance' – in England and France – was perceived to be most successful in improving other indicators of the quality of the care process. The impact of the payment reforms on healthcare expenditures remained questionable. The success of a payment scheme depended on the details of the specific implementation in a particular country: but a combination of the schemes might overcome the barriers of each individual scheme.
Source: Apostolos Tsiachristas, Carolien Dikkers, Melinde Boland, and Maureen Rutten-van Molken, 'Exploring payment schemes used to promote integrated chronic care in Europe', Health Policy, Volume 113 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Dec
An article examined how austerity policies had affected health in Europe, and the response of European health systems to the financial crisis. Many governments had cut public expenditure on health sharply during the financial crisis. The consequences for health outcomes had begun to emerge, with an increase in poor health status, and rising rates of anxiety and depression among economically vulnerable groups. The incidence of some communicable diseases, along with the rate of suicide, had increased significantly. The recession had also driven structural reforms.
Source: GianLuca Quaglio, Theodoros Karapiperis, Lieve Van Woensel, Elleke Arnold, and David McDaid, 'Austerity and health in Europe', Health Policy, Volume 113 Issue 1-2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Dec
An article examined the impacts of the global economic crisis on European health systems. The recession had led to more frequent poor health status, rising incidence of some communicable diseases, and higher suicide rates. Available data were likely to underestimate the broader mental health crisis linked to increased rates of stress, anxiety, and depression among those who were economically vulnerable. Many European governments had reduced public expenditure on health services and introduced or increased user charges. Nonetheless the recession presented an opportunity for reforming and restructuring health promotion actions and taking a long-term perspective.
Source: David McDaid, Gianluca Quaglio, Antonio Correia de Campos, Claudio Dario, Lieve Van Woensel, Theodoros Karapiperis, and Aaron Reeves, 'Health protection in times of economic crisis: challenges and opportunities for Europe', Journal of Public Health Policy, Volume 34
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Dec
A report examined new evidence on health inequalities in the European Union, and the policy response at European Union and national level to health inequalities since 2009. It said that there were still significant health inequalities between and within European Union member states and discussed the causes and drivers. It recommended that member states should develop and implement strategies to address health inequalities, with resources and improved data to ensure progress. It also outlined a role for the European Commission in promoting action and building capacity to tackle health inequalities.
Source: Health Inequalities in the EU: Final report of a consortium, European Commission
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Dec
A report examined the prevalence of, prevention of, protection against, prosecution for, and provision of services related to female genital mutilation in European Union countries.
Source: European Institute for Gender Equality, Female Genital Mutilation in the European Union and Croatia, European Union
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Nov
The European Commission issued a communication setting out a series of actions to work towards the elimination of female genital mutilation. It reiterated the European Union's commitment to ending both violence against women and FGM.
Source: Towards the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, European Commission
Links: Communication | European Commission press release
Date: 2013-Nov
An article examined influential public health-related European Union-level policy outputs since the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, and whether they were perceived as achievement, failure, or missed opportunity. Drawing on interviews with experts, it said that there were often diverging respondent views. The establishment of DG SANCO, European Union public health agencies, and tobacco control were generally viewed as achievements, while the Health in All Policy approach was perceived as a missed opportunity. The article concluded that, in general, the European Union had begun to develop competencies in supporting, co-ordinating and supplementing member states, but some areas required further development.
Source: Nicole Rosenkotter, Timo Clemens, Kristine Sorensen, and Helmut Brand, 'Twentieth anniversary of the European Union health mandate: taking stock of perceived achievements, failures and missed opportunities – a qualitative study', BMC Public Health, Volume 13
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Nov
A report examined the social determinants of health and the health divide in the World Health Organization European Region. The report made recommendations for reducing health inequalities across the life course in 53 countries. It was used to inform the development of the new European policy framework, Health 2020.
Source: UCL Institute of Health Equity, Review of Social Determinants and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region: Final report, World Health Organisation
Links: Report | Summary | WHO press release
Date: 2013-Nov
A report examined early findings from the Eurofund research project on the impact of the recent financial and economic crisis on access to publicly funded healthcare services in the European Union. It discussed the impact on the supply of, and demand for, services, and the ways in which access was affected. A final report from the project was intended for publication in 2014.
Source: Impacts of the Crisis on Access to Healthcare Services in the EU, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Nov
A report examined the trends in recorded alcohol consumption over the period 1990-2010, outlining comparable alcohol-attributable death rates, alcohol-related illness, national policies on alcohol, and progress on policy implementation.
Source: Status Report on Alcohol and Health in 35 European Countries, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Oct
The government published guidance on the implementation of a European Union Directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare.
Source: Cross Border Healthcare and Patient Mobility in Europe: Information to accompany the implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU – on patients rights in cross-border healthcare, Department of Health
Links: Report | Regulations
Date: 2013-Oct
A report examined health inequalities in Europe. It said that the financial crisis had widened inequalities in many European Union member states and continued to influence many of the key social determinants of health in Europe, both through changes to living conditions and to public spending.
Source: Jonathan Suk, Anastasia Pharris, Jan Semenza, Teymur Noori, Tek-Ang Lim, Andreas Sandgren, Irina Dinca, and Svetla Tsolova, Health Inequalities, the Financial Crisis, and Infectious Disease in Europe, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Oct
A paper examined the causal relationship between education and health outcomes in developed (OECD) countries. There was evidence that more years of education led to better health for a limited number of health markers. There were lower probabilities of reporting poor health, of having limitations in functional status, and of having been diagnosed with diabetes. There was no evidence of a causal effect of education on other health conditions. The relationship between education and cancer was positive, suggesting that education fostered early detection.
Source: Raquel Fonseca and Yuhui Zheng, The Effect of Education on Health: Cross-Country Evidence, Working Paper 13-25, Centre Interuniversitaire sur le Risque, les Politiques Economiques et l'Emploi (Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Canada)
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Sep
A review examined inequities in health in Europe, in order to support the development of the new European policy framework for health and well-being. It made a series of recommendations for action to reduce health inequities: throughout life (in family building, childhood and the work place, and for women and older people); in wider society (action for social protection, on gender, in local communities, and against social exclusion); on the macro-level context (on social expenditure and for sustainable development); and on systems (to improve governance, to address health priorities, and to measure and report on progress against inequities in health).
Source: Michael Marmot et al., Review of Social Determinants and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region: Final Report, World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)
Links: Report | WHO press release
Date: 2013-Sep
A report examined ways of improving leadership and participatory governance in healthcare, with a view to supporting the implementation of the European Union's 'Health 2020' framework.
Source: Ilona Kickbusch and Thorsten Behrendt, Implementing a Health 2020 Vision: Governance for health in the 21st century – Making it happen, World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)
Links: Report | Summary | WHO press release
Date: 2013-Sep
An article examined whether and how welfare generosity in European countries was related to the risk of social exclusion associated with combinations of poor health, low education, and economic inactivity. No indications were found of higher levels of non-participation among disadvantaged groups in more generous welfare states. On the contrary, resources made available by the welfare state seemed to matter to all individuals in terms of overall lower levels of non-participation. This demonstrated the importance of linking health-related social exclusion to the social policy context.
Source: Therese Saltkjel, Espen Dahl, and Kjetil van der Wel, 'Health related social exclusion in Europe: a multilevel study of the role of welfare generosity', International Journal for Equity in Health, Volume 12
Date: 2013-Sep
A report examined health inequalities in the European Union. There had been some positive developments in implementing the EU strategy (2009) on health inequalities: but more action was needed at local, national, and EU levels. Overall life expectancy and infant mortality had improved: but health inequalities between social groups remained high and persistent, with an additional existing and future challenge due to the economic crisis.
Source: Report on Health Inequalities in the European Union, European Commission
Links: Report | EPHA press release
Date: 2013-Sep
An article examined the different alcohol survey instruments used in survey research in Europe.
Source: Kim Bloomfield, Ann Hope, and Ludwig Kraus, 'Alcohol survey measures for Europe: a literature review', Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Volume 20 Number 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Sep
An article examined whether there was a pan-European perspective on evidence-based working in child welfare in Europe. It said that the way in which the paradigm was interpreted and put into practice in Europe was largely influenced by regional policies and local viewpoints. The lack of a pan-European perspective might be a strength, because it helped to blend evidence-based working with the need for an inclusive and culturally sensitive child welfare practice.
Source: Hans Grietens, 'Is there a pan-European perspective on evidence-based practice in child welfare? A critical reflection', Journal of Children's Services, Volume 8 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Aug
An article examined attempts by governments in four European countries (the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands) to cut healthcare costs. These attempts had both a financial and a moral dimension, for example when dealing with lifestyle-related health risks such as binge drinking or smoking. Promoting healthy lifestyles was increasingly being stimulated or even financially rewarded.
Source: Menno Fenger and Weys Qaran, 'New welfare in health insurances? Trends in risk-coverage and self-responsibility in four European countries', Social Policy and Society, Volume 12 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Aug
An article examined the widening involvement of the European Union in healthcare, focusing on the issue of quality of care. The depth of EU 'interference' had increased from sharing information to standardization and even to the first signs of enforcement.
Source: Hans Vollaard, Hester van de Bovenkamp, and Karsten Vrangbaek, 'The emerging EU quality of care policy: from sharing information to enforcement', Health Policy, Volume 111 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Aug
An article examined ways of addressing fragmentation in mental health and social care delivery, based on research in deprived areas of London (United Kingdom) and Brussels (Belgium). It was found that linkage across clusters of services was weak in both cities. However, the integration of care relied on the level of linkage in London, whereas in Brussels it was more dependent on central services playing brokerage roles.
Source: Pablo Nicaise, Simon Tulloch, Vincent Dubois, Aleksandra Matanov, Stefan Priebe, and Vincent Lorant, 'Using social network analysis for assessing mental health and social services inter-organisational collaboration: findings in deprived areas in Brussels and London', Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, Volume 40 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Aug
An article said that the lack of a pan-European perspective on evidence-based practice in child welfare might be a strength, because it helped to blend evidence-based working with the need for inclusive and culturally sensitive child welfare practice.
Source: Hans Grietens, 'Is there a pan-European perspective on evidence-based practice in child welfare? A critical reflection', Journal of Children's Services, Volume 8 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jul
An article examined unemployment rates in Europe among people with mental health problems before and during the global economic recession. Economic hardship might intensify social exclusion of people with mental health problems, especially males and individuals with lower education. Interventions to combat economic exclusion and to promote social participation of individuals with mental health problems were even more important during times of economic crisis, and these efforts should target support to the most vulnerable groups.
Source: Sara Evans-Lacko, Martin Knapp, Paul McCrone, Graham Thornicroft, and Ramin Mojtabai, 'The mental health consequences of the recession: economic hardship and employment of people with mental health problems in 27 European countries', PLoS ONE, Volume 8 Number 7
Links: Article | Abstract | KCL press release | BBC report
Date: 2013-Jul
A report said that very few advanced countries systematically measured whether long-term care for elderly people was safe, effective, and met the needs of care recipients. To meet future demand for higher-quality care and choice by the person receiving care, governments should ensure that the necessary information on long-term care quality was available to the public, allowing users to compare the quality of different care providers.
Source: A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and improving quality in long-term care, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Links: Report | OECD press release | European Commission press release
Date: 2013-Jun
An article examined the popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems. Universally high support was found for state responsibility: but satisfaction levels varied considerably, with particularly low levels found in eastern Europe.
Source: Sarah Missinne, Bart Meuleman, and Piet Bracke, 'The popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems: a multilevel analysis of 24 countries', Journal of European Social Policy, Volume 23 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jun
A paper gave projections of expenditure on public health and long-term care until 2060 in developed (OECD) countries. On average, total health and long-term care expenditure was projected to increase by 3.3 and 7.7 percentage points of national income between 2010 and 2060, under two different scenarios.
Source: Christine de la Maisonneuve and Joaquim Oliveira Martins, A Projection Method for Public Health and Long-Term Care Expenditures, Economics Department Working Paper 1048, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Jun
An article examined the relationship between gender equality and depression by gender in Europe. A high degree of macro-level gender equality was related to lower levels of depression in both women and men. It was also related to a smaller gender difference in depression: but only for certain social subgroups, and only for specific dimensions of gender equality.
Source: Sarah Van de Velde, Tim Huijts, Piet Bracke, and Clare Bambra, 'Macro-level gender equality and depression in men and women in Europe', Sociology of Health & Illness, Volume 35 Issue 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jun
An article described a European project to develop a way of analyzing long-term care and its links with the health and social care systems, and with formal and informal care.
Source: Jenny Billings, 'The INTERLINKS framework for long-term care of older people in Europe', Journal of Integrated Care, Volume 21 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jun
An article compared parenting support in England, France, Germany, and Italy. England had 'by far' the most extensive services to engage with parents, and was distinctive in terms of the extent to which 'support' meant intervention to (re)skill or (re)train parents through standardized parenting programmes. Elsewhere, 'support' had deeper roots in education for family and social life, and interventions tended to be more tailored and home-grown. However, there was evidence of a general move in the direction of greater state engagement with how parents reared their children and their competence in this role.
Source: Mary Daly, 'Parenting support policies in Europe', Families, Relationships and Societies, Volume 2 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jun
An article examined how acceptance of euthanasia among the general public had changed between 1981 and 2008 in European countries. Euthanasia acceptance had increased each decade up until 2008 in 11 of 13 western European countries; but in 8 out of 10 eastern and central European countries it had decreased or remained stable between 1999 and 2008.
Source: Joachim Cohen, Paul Van Landeghem, Nico Carpentier, and Luc Deliens, 'Different trends in euthanasia acceptance across Europe: a study of 13 western and 10 central and eastern European countries, 1981-2008', European Journal of Public Health, Volume 23 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-May
An article examined social inequalities in obesity in 11 OECD countries, including England. Large and persistent social inequalities in obesity and overweight by education level and socio-economic status were found. These were consistently larger in women than in men.
Source: Marion Devaux and Franco Sassi, 'Social inequalities in obesity and overweight in 11 OECD countries', European Journal of Public Health, Volume 23 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-May
An article examined the value of healthcare spending growth in 14 western countries between 1996 and 2006. An average yearly avoidable mortality decline of 2.6-5.3 per cent was found across countries. Simultaneously, healthcare spending rose between 1.9 and 5.9 per cent per year. Most countries with above-average spending growth demonstrated above-average reductions in avoidable mortality.
Source: Richard Heijink, Xander Koolman, and Gert Westert, 'Spending more money, saving more lives? The relationship between avoidable mortality and healthcare spending in 14 countries', European Journal of Health Economics, Volume 14 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Apr
An article compared and contrasted results obtained when the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation was modelled for several different European countries. Health and economic results for different countries were found to vary significantly for the same reductions in smoking. This suggested that it might be inappropriate to assume that evidence from one country would produce similar health and economic effects if the same levels of smoking cessation were achieved in another.
Source: David Cohen, Fasihul Alam, and Paul Jarvis, 'An analysis of the economic impact of smoking cessation in Europe', BMC Public Health, Volume 13
Date: 2013-Apr
An article examined the effect of the economic crisis in Europe on health systems. Whereas immediate rises in suicides and falls in road traffic deaths were anticipated, other consequences, such as HIV outbreaks, were not, and were better understood as products of state retrenchment. Although there were many potentially confounding differences between countries, the interaction of fiscal austerity with economic shocks and weak social protection was what ultimately seemed to escalate health and social crises.
Source: Marina Karanikolos, Philipa Mladovsky, Jonathan Cylus, Sarah Thomson, Sanjay Basu, David Stuckler, Johan Mackenbach, and Martin McKee, 'Financial crisis, austerity, and health in Europe', The Lancet 27 March 2013
Links: Abstract
See also: Philipa Mladovsky, Divya Srivastava, Jonathan Cylus, Marina Karanikolos, Tamas Evetovits, Sarah Thomson, and Martin McKee, Health Policy Responses to the Financial Crisis in Europe, World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)
Date: 2013-Apr
A report provided an overview of recent changes in national governments' role in the governance of health systems in 11 European countries (including England), focusing on: efforts to reconfigure responsibilities for health policy, regulation, and management; the resultant policy priorities; and the initial impact. The shift in responsibilities showed little uniform direction. A number of countries had centralized certain areas of decision-making or regulation but decentralized others.
Source: Elke Jakubowski and Richard Saltman (eds), The Changing National Role in Health System Governance: A case-based study of 11 European countries and Australia, World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Apr
A new book examined efforts to compare the performance of health systems in different countries, and identified and explored the practical and conceptual challenges that arose. It discussed data and methodological challenges, as well as broader issues such as the interface between evidence and practice.
Source: Irene Papanicolas and Peter Smith, Health System Performance Comparison: An agenda for policy, information and research, Open University Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Apr
A report examined the health status of people in Europe facing multiple vulnerability factors. It called national public health systems to be built on solidarity, equality, and equity, and open to all those living in the European Union, rather than systems based on a profit rationale.
Source: Pierre Chauvin, Nathalie Simonnot, and Frank Vanbiervliet, Access to Healthcare in Europe in Times of Crisis and Rising Xenophobia: An overview of the situation of people excluded from healthcare systems, Doctors of the World (Medecins du Monde)
Links: Report | EPHA press release
Date: 2013-Apr
An article examined the economic burden pertaining to alcohol dependence in Europe. Alcohol dependence was found to represent a significant burden for European healthcare systems and society. Treatment costs for a single alcohol-dependent patient lay within the range 1591- 7702 per hospitalization, and the annual total direct costs accounted for 0.04-0.31 per cent of an individual country's national income. The indirect costs were more substantial than the direct costs, accounting for up to 0.64 per cent of national income per country annually.
Source: Philippe Laramee, Jeanette Kusel, Saoirse Leonard, Henri-Jean Aubin, Clement Francois, and Jean-Bernard Daeppen, 'The economic burden of alcohol dependence in Europe', Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 48 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Apr
An article said that strong primary care in European countries was associated with better population health; lower rates of unnecessary hospitalizations; and relatively lower socio-economic inequality. Overall health expenditures were higher in countries with stronger primary care structures: but comprehensive primary care was also associated with slower growth in healthcare spending.
Source: Dionne Kringos, Wienke Boerma, Jouke van der Zee, and Peter Groenewegen, 'Europe s strong primary care systems are linked to better population health but also to higher health spending', Health Affairs, Volume 32 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Apr
A paper examined the role of European patients' organizations in the process of Europeanization of healthcare policies.
Source: Vololona Rabeharisoa and Orla O Donovan, Europe of Patients, Europe for Patients : The Europeanization of healthcare policies by European patients' organizations, Working Paper 030/2013, Centre de Sociologie de l Innovation (Paris)
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Mar
A paper examined the extent to which health economics literature in Europe using standardized cross-country health inequality indexes was subject to methodological and publication biases.
Source: Joan Costa-Font and Cristina Hernandez-Quevedo, Inequalities in Self-Reported Health: A meta-regression analysis, Working Paper 32/2013, LSE Health (London School of Economics)
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Mar
A report examined the unequal access to healthcare that people in Europe might face because of a combination of their characteristics, such as ethnic origin, gender, age, and disability. In such cases, people and their legal advisors often had difficulty bringing a complaint of discrimination on 'multiple' grounds to court. This was either because of a poor understanding of multiple discrimination, or because legally it was simply easier to deal with a complaint on only one particular ground.
Source: Inequalities and Multiple Discrimination in Access to and Quality of Healthcare, European Agency for Fundamental Rights
Links: Report | FRA press release
Date: 2013-Mar
A paper examined the effect of job insecurity on health in European countries.
Source: Eve Caroli and Mathilde Godard, Does Job Insecurity Deteriorate Health? A causal approach for Europe, Paris School of Economics
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Mar
A new book examined federalism and decentralization in the health and social care systems of a range of European countries (including the United Kingdom).
Source: Joan Costa-Font and Scott Greer (eds), Federalism and Decentralization in European Health and Social Care, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Notes: Chapters included: Scott Greer, 'The rise and fall of territory in United Kingdom health politics'.
Date: 2013-Mar
An article examined the involvement of governments in the home care sector in Europe. International variation in regulation and governmental funding of personal care and domestic aid were associated with differences in prevailing values on family care, tax burden, and wealth providing evidence for the obstacles for transferring home care policies between countries.
Source: Nadine Genet, Madelon Kroneman, and Wienke Boerma, 'Explaining governmental involvement in home care across Europe: an international comparative study', Health Policy, Volume 110 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
A report examined parenting support services in Europe. It summarized the common challenges faced by all providers of parenting support, and made policy recommendations based on what had been observed to work in different countries.
Source: Daniel Molinuevo, Parenting Support in Europe, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Date: 2013-Mar
An article examined the extent to which European countries varied in the implementation of health policies in ten different areas, and exploited these variations to investigate the role of political, economic, and social determinants of health policy. 'Striking variations' were found between countries in process and outcome indicators of health policies.
Source: Johan Mackenbach and Martin McKee, 'A comparative analysis of health policy performance in 43 European countries', European Journal of Public Health, Volume 23 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
A new book examined differences in the way European countries had addressed health protection and health promotion issues.
Source: Johan Mackenbach and Martin McKee, Successes and Failures of Health Policy in Europe: Four decades of divergent trends and converging challenges, Open University Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Mar
An article examined the association between union dissolution and self-assessed health in European panel data. The negative association between dissolution and self-assessed health was not due to a general negative effect of divorce on health. Rather, after union dissolution self-assessed health improved among some individuals, while for others it declined. Compared with being in a union continuously, union dissolution seemed to cause increases and decreases in health. There was also evidence for a negative effect of self-assessed health on dissolution risks.
Source: Christiaan Monden and Wilfred Uunk, 'For better and for worse: the relationship between union dissolution and self-assessed health in European panel data', European Journal of Population, Volume 29 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Feb
An article examined intergenerational support patterns in Europe. There was a distinct geographical distribution of private support patterns. In northern Europe help between parents and children was very common, but typically consumed little time. The contrary was true for southern Europe, where comparatively few support relations were very intense in terms of time. These different patterns could be explained by the prevalence of public assistance according to the specialization hypothesis: with increased public transfers and social services, sporadic help was more likely (crowding in), and less time-consuming support between generations (crowding out) occurred.
Source: Martina Brandt, 'Intergenerational help and public assistance in Europe: a case of specialization?', European Societies, Volume 15 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Feb
A new book examined the legal regulation of new health technologies in Europe. It considered the roles of risk, ethics, rights, and markets. New health technologies promised improved quality of life for patients suffering from a range of diseases, and the potential for the prevention of incidence of disease in the future. At the same time, new health technologies posed significant challenges for governments, particularly in relation to ensuring that the technologies were safe and effective, and provided appropriate value for (public) money.
Source: Mark Flear, Anne-Maree Farrell, Tamara Hervey, and Therese Murphy (eds), European Law and New Health Technologies, Oxford University Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Feb
A report examined how effective developed (OECD) countries had been in reducing waiting times for healthcare.
Source: Luigi Siciliani, Michael Borowitz, and Valerie Moran (eds), Waiting Time Policies in the Health Sector: What Works?, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Feb
An article examined the increasing use by European governments of partnerships with the private sector in healthcare. Experience with these partnerships had been 'mixed' thus far. Early partnership models for example, in which a private firm built a hospital and carried out building maintenance had arguably not met expectations for achieving greater efficiencies at lower costs. Newer models offered greater opportunities for efficiency gains, but were administratively harder to set up and manage.
Source: James Barlow, Jens Roehrich, and Steve Wright, 'Europe sees mixed results from public-private partnerships for building and managing health care facilities and services', Health Affairs, Volume 32 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan
An article examined whether, by what means, and to what extent historically, government healthcare expenditure growth in Europe had changed following economic crises. In the year after an economic downturn, public healthcare expenditure was found to grow more slowly than would have been expected given the longer-term economic climate. Cost-shifting and other policy responses were both associated with these slowdowns. However, although changes in tax-derived expenditure were associated with both cost-shifting and other policy responses following a crisis, changes in expenditure derived from social insurance were associated only with changes in cost-shifting. Disproportionate cuts to the health sector, as well as reliance on cost-shifting to slow growth in healthcare expenditure, highlighted the potentially negative effects on equity, efficiency, and quality of health services and, potentially, health outcomes following economic crises.
Source: Jonathan Cylus, Philipa Mladovsky, and Martin McKee, 'Is there a statistical relationship between economic crises and changes in government health expenditure growth? An analysis of twenty-four European countries', Health Services Research, Volume 47 Issue 6
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan
A new book examined how the construction of long-term care systems in Europe could be taken forward.
Source: Kai Leichsenring, Jenny Billings, and Henk Nies (eds), Long-Term Care in Europe: Improving policy and practice, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Jan
A paper examined differences between the United Kingdom and Sweden in the association between parental income and certain education and health/developmental outcomes.
Source: Anders Bjorklund Markus and Jantti Martin Nybom, The Role of Parental Income over the Life Cycle: A comparison of Sweden and the UK, Discussion Paper 7066, Institute for the Study of Labor (Bonn)
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Jan
A report examined European policy on home care services. It looked at the links between social services and healthcare systems, the prevailing funding mechanisms, how service providers were paid, the impact of governmental regulation, and the complex roles played by informal caregivers.
Source: Nadine Genet, Wienke Boerma, Madelon Kroneman, Allen Hutchinson, and Richard Saltman (eds), Home Care across Europe: Current structure and future challenges, World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)
Date: 2013-Jan
A new book examined whether social capital influenced health and health inequalities in European welfare states.
Source: Mikael Rostila, Social Capital and Health Inequality in European Welfare States, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Jan
A paper examined the effects of healthcare decentralization in Europe. Whether efficiency improved after a process of decentralization depended heavily on the incentives that fiscal design exerted on cost containment, inter-jurisdictional competition, and policy innovation and diffusion. Decentralization gave rise to important concerns associated with vertical imbalances and limited horizontal imbalances. Decentralization could give rise to a new regional political cycle where citizens could reward or penalize the performance of health policy.
Source: Joan Costa-i-Font, Fiscal Federalism and European Health System Decentralization: A perspective, LEQS Paper 55, European Institute (London School of Economics)
Links: Paper
Date: 2013-Jan
An article said that European healthcare systems had not been particularly hit by retrenchment; and that convergence was absent in key healthcare dimensions, namely coverage and provision. Convergence appeared mainly in terms of the increased reliance on private healthcare financing.
Source: Ingalill Montanari and Kenneth Nelson, 'Social service decline and convergence: how does healthcare fare?', Journal of European Social Policy, Volume 23 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan
A study examined the effect of the economic crisis, and its consequences in terms of austerity measures, on the rights and status of people with disabilities in Europe. It focused on the impact on the delivery of social services, and income supports and allowances, particularly aimed at people with disabilities.
Source: Harald Hauben, Michael Coucheir, Jan Spooren, Donal McAnaney, and Claude Delfosse, Assessing the Impact of European Governments Austerity Plans on the Rights of People with Disabilities, European Consortium of Foundations on Human Rights and Disability
Date: 2013-Jan
A new book examined the engagement of social workers in social policy formulation in eight (mainly European) liberal democracies, including England.
Source: John Gal and Idit Weiss-Gal (eds), Social Workers Affecting Social Policy: An International perspective, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Jan
An article examined the financial consequences for older people in Europe of private 'out-of-pocket' expenditure necessary to obtain healthcare and long-term care. Such expenditure was very common, and could have a significant impact on disposable income.
Source: Xenia Scheil-Adlung and Jacopo Bonan, 'Gaps in social protection for health care and long-term care in Europe: are the elderly faced with financial ruin?', International Social Security Review, Volume 66 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan
An article examined the accessibility of addiction treatment within services providing mental healthcare and support for people from socially marginalized groups in deprived urban areas across European Union countries.
Source: Marta Welbel, Aleksandra Matanov, Jacek Moskalewicz, Henrique Barros, Reamonn Canavan, Edina Gabor, Andrea Gaddini, Tim Greacen, Ulrike Kluge, Vincent Lorant, Mercedes Esteban Pen, Aart Schene, Joaquim Soares, Christa Strassmayr, Petra Vondrackova, and Stefan Priebe, 'Addiction treatment in deprived urban areas in EU countries: accessibility of care for people from socially marginalized groups', Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, Volume 20 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan
A briefing paper presented the main results and policy implications of a research project that considered the future of long-term care for elderly people in Europe. It explored how need, demand, supply, and use of long-term care would develop, and how different systems of care performed.
Source: Esther Mot and Peter Willeme, Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations, Policy Brief 14, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes
Links: Brief
Date: 2013-Jan